Press Release Unjust blockade against the State of Qatar

Press Release
Unjust blockade against the State of Qatar
Complaints and actions taken by the State of Qatar

A briefing was given to the permanent members of the United Nations; also a briefing was given to the member States of the Security Council.

First: filed a complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization regarding the opening of airspace:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has filed a complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization to open the airspace and distributed the complaint to 33 Embassies in the State of Qatar, which represent the Executive Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization. Also the complaint was forwarded to the Embassies of the State of Qatar abroad to contact the civil aviation authorities in those countries to explain the complaint.

Second: Formal complaint with the British Broadcasting Corporation regulator (Ofcom) against Al Arabiya News Channel and Sky News Arabia:

1-     The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared the complaint file against Al Arabiya and Sky News Arabia: the file was prepared in coordination with the Qatari News Agency (QNA), the Government Liaison Office and the Media Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2-     British law firm "Carter-Ruck" in London was appointed to lodge a formal complaint with the British Broadcasting Corporation regulator (Ofcom) against the above-mentioned channels for broadcasting baseless statements  attributed to  H.H. Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State Qatar following the hack of Qatar News Agency (QNA) on 24 May 2017. Since Al Arabiya Channel and Sky News Arabia (which is part of the UK Sky plc) are Ofcom-regulated, QNA has assigned Carter-Ruck to file a complaint with Ofcom to draw the attention to the two channels' breach of its Broadcasting Code, including those sections requiring due impartiality and due accuracy in the news.

The Qatar Government Communication Office (GCO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs swiftly issued press statements about the hack of QNA and clarifying the true position towards the fabricated statements. The GCO also took the precaution of contacting broadcasters directly so as to ensure that matters were entirely clear. The majority of the world's media responded accordingly, informing the public of the hack and correcting any misleading impression that had been conveyed by earlier reports. However, notwithstanding the general response, Al-Arabiya and Sky News Arabia continued to report the falsely attributed statement with great prominence.

Third: High Commission for Human Rights:

1-     A complaint submitted to H.E. Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on the arbitrary measures taken by a number of countries against the State of Qatar, that violate the rights stipulated in the international conventions and treaties, particularly with regard to the dispersal of families, tearing the family fabric and forced deportation of workers, students and private property.

2-     The High Commissioner issued a statement on 14 June 2017 under the title "The Qatari Diplomatic Crisis: Comment by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Bin Ra’ad Al-Hussein on Impact on the Human Rights”, which states the following:
“It is becoming clear that the measures being adopted are overly broad in scope and implementation, and have the potential to seriously disrupt the lives of thousands of women, children and men, simply because they belong to one of the nationalities involved in the dispute. Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain have issued directives to address the humanitarian needs of families with joint nationalities, but it appears that these measures are not sufficiently effective to address all cases. 

We are receiving reports that specific individuals have already been summarily instructed to leave the country they are residing in, or have been ordered to return home by their own Government. Among those likely to be badly affected are couples in mixed marriages, and their children; people with jobs or businesses based in States other than that of their nationality; and students studying in another country.

I am also extremely troubled to hear that the UAE and Bahrain are threatening to jail and fine people who express sympathy for Qatar or opposition to their own Governments’ actions, as this would appear to be a clear violation of the right to freedom of expression or opinion.

I urge all the States involved to solve this dispute as quickly as possible through dialogue, to refrain from any actions that could affect the well-being, health, employment and integrity of their inhabitants, and to respect their obligations under international human rights law.”

3-     An appointment was made with His Excellency the High Commissioner for Human Rights on 22 June 2017 to urge him to take further action and issue a statement with a stronger language than Statement I.

Fourth: International Maritime Organization (IMO):

A complaint was lodged with the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Mr. Kitack Lim. The latter delivered a letter from the Minister of Transport and Communications concerning the violation of international maritime conventions by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain through the embargo imposed on the prohibition of Qatari maritime shipping in violation of maritime agreements and conventions, particularly the 1982 Convention. The meeting was attended by a group of officials of the International Maritime Organization and a number of officials of the Ministry of Transport in Qatar.

Fifth: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO):

1-     H.E. Dr. Mohammed Bin Abdul Wahab Al Hammadi, Minister of Education and Higher Education and Chairman of the Qatar National Committee for Education, Culture and Science (QNCECS) has communicated with H.E. Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the damage caused to Qatari and non-Qatari students following the issuance of the boycotting countries (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain) illegal laws that contravene international conventions and directly affect education.

2-     The Minister of Education and Higher Education has requested UNESCO to issue an urgent statement calling upon the boycotting countries to respect the rights of students to education and to distance them from political differences and to call on these countries to immediately abolish these illegal measures and allow Qatari and non-Qatari students to attend their schools, colleges and institutions to complete their academic year which is nearing to finish, and to compensate them for the exams which they missed due to this blockade.
Sixth: A complaint has been filed with the Public Prosecution to initiate a criminal lawsuit against the Saudi-UAE led systematic media campaign to tarnish the reputation of the State of Qatar, which began on 24 May 2017 following the penetration of the website of Qatar News Agency (QNA):

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar has filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor's Office to initiate a criminal lawsuit and take necessary measures to prosecute media personals, writers and journalists who harass the State of Qatar and incite the overthrow of the regime. And to impose the maximum penalty on them in accordance with the Articles of accusation stipulated in the Qatari Penal Code No. (11) of 2004, Which criminalize: threats, defamation, and incitement in one of the public ways to overthrow the regime or promote it in the State, and publicly slander and insult.

Seventh: "Terror list of 59" against Qatar:

1-     A complaint was filed with H.E. Mr. Rashid Khalikov, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Partnerships with the Middle East on the so-called "Terror List" issued by the four countries (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt) with the names of Qatari humanitarian charities which are internationally recognized by the United Nations, and requested H.E. the Permanent Representative to issue an urgent statement.

2-     The United Nations issued a statement on June 15, 2017, rejecting the terror list released by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, which includes 59 figures and 12 entities allegedly linked to Qatar, stating that the UN is bound only by the sanctions lists put together by UN organs, In addition, its position will not change with the Qatar Charity Foundation, which has previously worked with UN agencies such as UNICEF and UNRWA. Also affirmed that the United Nations is also committed to the sanctions lists issued by the UN Security Council and is not committed to any other lists.

Eighth: Amnesty International:

A complaint was filed with the Amnesty International regarding the measures taken against Qatar. The Amnesty International from its part has issued a statement on 10 June 2017, in which warned that the expulsion of Qatari nationals by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain in the backdrop of the diplomatic crisis with Doha, causes disintegration of Gulf families and spreading fear and suffering.

The human rights organization said in the statement that Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have been disrupting the lives of thousands of Gulf residents, causing "family disintegration, the elimination of people's livelihoods and the disruption of students' study". The statement strongly condemned the threats of the three countries to impose severe penalties against those who criticize the measures, saying that these threats represent "a flagrant violation of freedom of expression, and stressed that these countries should respect human rights and immediately stop these arbitrary measures.

The statement also stated that the organization has interviewed a number of Qatari students who were unable to continue their education in the UAE and Bahrain because of the blockade. One Qatari female student told the organization that all her lessons in the UAE for the rest of the year had been automatically canceled after boycotting decision was announced.

Amnesty International noted that "the authority of the State to regulate and restrict immigration is restricted by international human rights law,", arguing that "discrimination in treatment between different categories of non-citizens cannot be justified unless it deemed necessary to achieve a legitimate objective" and the "arbitrary division of families as part of policies Immigration violates the right to family life. "

The Amnesty also mentioned that the relations between the mixed Gulf families are in danger. The organization criticized the threat of the authorities of boycotting countries to imprison people who show sympathy for Qatar through social media and media, saying it constitutes a "repress of freedom of expression."

Ninth: Human Rights Watch:

1-     A complaint was filed with Human Rights Watch, which issued a statement on 14 June 2017 condemning the closure of media institutions linked to the Qatari Government in a number of countries on the background of the crisis between the Gulf States and Doha, and this was considered as a violation of freedom of expression.

Mrs. Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East Division stated that the “Governments don’t have the right to close down media outlets and criminalize speech to shut out criticism they find uncomfortable.” and “the individuals have the right to express opinions about the current events” and called on the authorities in those countries to repeal or amend laws used to criminalize the peaceful expression of opinion”.  Whitson also noted that "the media needs protection from political interference, not official muzzling, the offending Governments should demonstrate they understand and respect the role of media, even those they don’t agree with.
2-     On June 19, 2017, a delegation from Human Rights Watch examined the violations of the rights of citizens of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain, and the negative humanitarian and human rights effects of the boycotting and blockade decisions taken by those three countries against Doha.
Officials at the National Human Rights Committee in Qatar met with a delegation from Human Rights Watch in the framework of the Commission's moves to explain the humanitarian and human rights dimensions that resulted from the decisions to sever ties and blockade taken by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

A delegation from the Organization met at the headquarters of the Committee a large number of affected people from the State of Qatar and the boycotting countries and listened to their complaints and violations that have taken their rights.

The number of complaints received by the Committee so far is more than 1750; most of the complainants refused to mention their names or take pictures of them for fear of monitoring and use pressure on them in the boycotting countries by imprisonment or confiscation of properties.

Embassy of the State of Qatar

ColomboPress Release
Unjust blockade against the State of Qatar
Complaints and actions taken by the State of Qatar

A briefing was given to the permanent members of the United Nations; also a briefing was given to the member States of the Security Council.

First: filed a complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization regarding the opening of airspace:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has filed a complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization to open the airspace and distributed the complaint to 33 Embassies in the State of Qatar, which represent the Executive Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization. Also the complaint was forwarded to the Embassies of the State of Qatar abroad to contact the civil aviation authorities in those countries to explain the complaint.

Second: Formal complaint with the British Broadcasting Corporation regulator (Ofcom) against Al Arabiya News Channel and Sky News Arabia:

1-     The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared the complaint file against Al Arabiya and Sky News Arabia: the file was prepared in coordination with the Qatari News Agency (QNA), the Government Liaison Office and the Media Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2-     British law firm "Carter-Ruck" in London was appointed to lodge a formal complaint with the British Broadcasting Corporation regulator (Ofcom) against the above-mentioned channels for broadcasting baseless statements  attributed to  H.H. Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State Qatar following the hack of Qatar News Agency (QNA) on 24 May 2017. Since Al Arabiya Channel and Sky News Arabia (which is part of the UK Sky plc) are Ofcom-regulated, QNA has assigned Carter-Ruck to file a complaint with Ofcom to draw the attention to the two channels' breach of its Broadcasting Code, including those sections requiring due impartiality and due accuracy in the news.

The Qatar Government Communication Office (GCO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs swiftly issued press statements about the hack of QNA and clarifying the true position towards the fabricated statements. The GCO also took the precaution of contacting broadcasters directly so as to ensure that matters were entirely clear. The majority of the world's media responded accordingly, informing the public of the hack and correcting any misleading impression that had been conveyed by earlier reports. However, notwithstanding the general response, Al-Arabiya and Sky News Arabia continued to report the falsely attributed statement with great prominence.

Third: High Commission for Human Rights:

1-     A complaint submitted to H.E. Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on the arbitrary measures taken by a number of countries against the State of Qatar, that violate the rights stipulated in the international conventions and treaties, particularly with regard to the dispersal of families, tearing the family fabric and forced deportation of workers, students and private property.

2-     The High Commissioner issued a statement on 14 June 2017 under the title "The Qatari Diplomatic Crisis: Comment by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Bin Ra’ad Al-Hussein on Impact on the Human Rights”, which states the following:
“It is becoming clear that the measures being adopted are overly broad in scope and implementation, and have the potential to seriously disrupt the lives of thousands of women, children and men, simply because they belong to one of the nationalities involved in the dispute. Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain have issued directives to address the humanitarian needs of families with joint nationalities, but it appears that these measures are not sufficiently effective to address all cases. 

We are receiving reports that specific individuals have already been summarily instructed to leave the country they are residing in, or have been ordered to return home by their own Government. Among those likely to be badly affected are couples in mixed marriages, and their children; people with jobs or businesses based in States other than that of their nationality; and students studying in another country.

I am also extremely troubled to hear that the UAE and Bahrain are threatening to jail and fine people who express sympathy for Qatar or opposition to their own Governments’ actions, as this would appear to be a clear violation of the right to freedom of expression or opinion.

I urge all the States involved to solve this dispute as quickly as possible through dialogue, to refrain from any actions that could affect the well-being, health, employment and integrity of their inhabitants, and to respect their obligations under international human rights law.”

3-     An appointment was made with His Excellency the High Commissioner for Human Rights on 22 June 2017 to urge him to take further action and issue a statement with a stronger language than Statement I.

Fourth: International Maritime Organization (IMO):

A complaint was lodged with the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Mr. Kitack Lim. The latter delivered a letter from the Minister of Transport and Communications concerning the violation of international maritime conventions by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain through the embargo imposed on the prohibition of Qatari maritime shipping in violation of maritime agreements and conventions, particularly the 1982 Convention. The meeting was attended by a group of officials of the International Maritime Organization and a number of officials of the Ministry of Transport in Qatar.

Fifth: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO):

1-     H.E. Dr. Mohammed Bin Abdul Wahab Al Hammadi, Minister of Education and Higher Education and Chairman of the Qatar National Committee for Education, Culture and Science (QNCECS) has communicated with H.E. Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the damage caused to Qatari and non-Qatari students following the issuance of the boycotting countries (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain) illegal laws that contravene international conventions and directly affect education.

2-     The Minister of Education and Higher Education has requested UNESCO to issue an urgent statement calling upon the boycotting countries to respect the rights of students to education and to distance them from political differences and to call on these countries to immediately abolish these illegal measures and allow Qatari and non-Qatari students to attend their schools, colleges and institutions to complete their academic year which is nearing to finish, and to compensate them for the exams which they missed due to this blockade.
Sixth: A complaint has been filed with the Public Prosecution to initiate a criminal lawsuit against the Saudi-UAE led systematic media campaign to tarnish the reputation of the State of Qatar, which began on 24 May 2017 following the penetration of the website of Qatar News Agency (QNA):

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar has filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor's Office to initiate a criminal lawsuit and take necessary measures to prosecute media personals, writers and journalists who harass the State of Qatar and incite the overthrow of the regime. And to impose the maximum penalty on them in accordance with the Articles of accusation stipulated in the Qatari Penal Code No. (11) of 2004, Which criminalize: threats, defamation, and incitement in one of the public ways to overthrow the regime or promote it in the State, and publicly slander and insult.

Seventh: "Terror list of 59" against Qatar:

1-     A complaint was filed with H.E. Mr. Rashid Khalikov, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Partnerships with the Middle East on the so-called "Terror List" issued by the four countries (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt) with the names of Qatari humanitarian charities which are internationally recognized by the United Nations, and requested H.E. the Permanent Representative to issue an urgent statement.

2-     The United Nations issued a statement on June 15, 2017, rejecting the terror list released by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, which includes 59 figures and 12 entities allegedly linked to Qatar, stating that the UN is bound only by the sanctions lists put together by UN organs, In addition, its position will not change with the Qatar Charity Foundation, which has previously worked with UN agencies such as UNICEF and UNRWA. Also affirmed that the United Nations is also committed to the sanctions lists issued by the UN Security Council and is not committed to any other lists.

Eighth: Amnesty International:

A complaint was filed with the Amnesty International regarding the measures taken against Qatar. The Amnesty International from its part has issued a statement on 10 June 2017, in which warned that the expulsion of Qatari nationals by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain in the backdrop of the diplomatic crisis with Doha, causes disintegration of Gulf families and spreading fear and suffering.

The human rights organization said in the statement that Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have been disrupting the lives of thousands of Gulf residents, causing "family disintegration, the elimination of people's livelihoods and the disruption of students' study". The statement strongly condemned the threats of the three countries to impose severe penalties against those who criticize the measures, saying that these threats represent "a flagrant violation of freedom of expression, and stressed that these countries should respect human rights and immediately stop these arbitrary measures.

The statement also stated that the organization has interviewed a number of Qatari students who were unable to continue their education in the UAE and Bahrain because of the blockade. One Qatari female student told the organization that all her lessons in the UAE for the rest of the year had been automatically canceled after boycotting decision was announced.

Amnesty International noted that "the authority of the State to regulate and restrict immigration is restricted by international human rights law,", arguing that "discrimination in treatment between different categories of non-citizens cannot be justified unless it deemed necessary to achieve a legitimate objective" and the "arbitrary division of families as part of policies Immigration violates the right to family life. "

The Amnesty also mentioned that the relations between the mixed Gulf families are in danger. The organization criticized the threat of the authorities of boycotting countries to imprison people who show sympathy for Qatar through social media and media, saying it constitutes a "repress of freedom of expression."

Ninth: Human Rights Watch:

1-     A complaint was filed with Human Rights Watch, which issued a statement on 14 June 2017 condemning the closure of media institutions linked to the Qatari Government in a number of countries on the background of the crisis between the Gulf States and Doha, and this was considered as a violation of freedom of expression.

Mrs. Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East Division stated that the “Governments don’t have the right to close down media outlets and criminalize speech to shut out criticism they find uncomfortable.” and “the individuals have the right to express opinions about the current events” and called on the authorities in those countries to repeal or amend laws used to criminalize the peaceful expression of opinion”.  Whitson also noted that "the media needs protection from political interference, not official muzzling, the offending Governments should demonstrate they understand and respect the role of media, even those they don’t agree with.
2-     On June 19, 2017, a delegation from Human Rights Watch examined the violations of the rights of citizens of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain, and the negative humanitarian and human rights effects of the boycotting and blockade decisions taken by those three countries against Doha.
Officials at the National Human Rights Committee in Qatar met with a delegation from Human Rights Watch in the framework of the Commission's moves to explain the humanitarian and human rights dimensions that resulted from the decisions to sever ties and blockade taken by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

A delegation from the Organization met at the headquarters of the Committee a large number of affected people from the State of Qatar and the boycotting countries and listened to their complaints and violations that have taken their rights.

The number of complaints received by the Committee so far is more than 1750; most of the complainants refused to mention their names or take pictures of them for fear of monitoring and use pressure on them in the boycotting countries by imprisonment or confiscation of properties.

Embassy of the State of Qatar
இந்த செய்தியை நண்பர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ள...

எமது உத்தியோகபூர்வ பேஸ்புக் பக்கம்

எமது செய்திகளை உடனுக்குடன் பேஸ்புக் மூலம் அறிந்து கொள்ள எமது பேஸ்புக் பக்கத்தை லைக் (like) செய்க!

முக்கிய குறிப்பு :

எமது இணையத்தளத்துக்கு அனுப்பிவைக்கப்படும் ஆக்கங்கள் , செய்திகள் என்பவற்றுக்கு அதனை அனுப்பிவைப்பவர்களே பொறுப்பாளிகள் ஆவர். தவறான அல்லது பிழையான, அவதூறு, பிறர் மனங்களை புண்படுத்தும் செய்திகள் அல்லது தகவல்களுக்கு எமது நிருவாகமோ இணையத்தளமோ பொறுப்பாளியல்ல. இதனைக்கருத்தில் கொண்டு தகவல் தொடர்புகளை மேற்கொள்ளுமாறு வேண்டுகின்றோம்.- நிருவாகம் -